We’re at that age where the possibility of death becomes more and more a reality. And lately, heaven’s been knockin’. Sadly, that door has swung wide open, whether it’s friends from high school or family members of close friends I’ve met since. Continue reading BEN

New Years 2020

New Years 2020

2019 was a truly epic year. One year ago today, Grace & I were engaged. Since that seminal moment, this past year has seen its share of ups and downs, the highest of the highs most certainly high and the lowest of the low tragically low. Through it all, my constant has been Grace and our dog Taylor. This is what the last year, and the years leading up to it looked like… Continue reading New Years 2020

Eleven Years Later

Eleven Years Later

As I do every year on this day for the past ten, I celebrate my second chance at life. 12/22/08 at 7:28 AM, I woke up again on the corner of the busy intersection of North, Milwaukee and Damen Avenues, after getting hit by a car going 30 mph, blessed that I was still alive. This particular day at this very moment has not been easy because Taylor is no longer with us, but with the warm embrace of God’s grace, Grace, and our loving family and friends, it’s a day to celebrate. I look back on pictures over the past couple months and am so very thankful for everyone that continues to hold us close to their hearts as we hold them close to ours. And so I enter this day and will leave it much the same way that I enter and leave most days — with love and thankfulness for the people I’ve been blessed to call my family and friends, whether I see them every day or hardly ever, the love I feel for them and the impact they’ve had on me, is a truly great and wonderful thing. Celebrate Love and Life! Continue reading Eleven Years Later

2016: a Retrospective and a Different Perspective

2016: a Retrospective and a Different Perspective

2016 was a year where I focused upon myself, my family & my friends, and my dog. Along the way, my family, friends and I experienced loss. Along the way, I joined an amazing company (Upwork), went on an amazing adventure (the Rickshaw Run in India), and the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. It was an epic year. Continue reading 2016: a Retrospective and a Different Perspective